Friday, March 10, 2006

Woodbridge Bell Ringers

Monday Jan. 30, 2006, at 9:30am, residents Donna Kay, Mike, Scott, and Program Director, Karin Macke of Jacob’s Village were invited to the Resurrection Catholic School on New Harmony Road to a Bell-Ringing Choir concert. Angela Goedde, Activity Director of Woodbridge Healthcare Care & Rehab, had been working with a group of six residents from Woodbridge on how to chime bells in unison. We met Angela at the door while she was assisting her residents inside the school. Once inside we met Mrs. Angie Johnson, Principle of the Resurrection Catholic School, in the hallway directing her students and us into the gymnasium for the concert. The entire student body of the school sat in the bleachers and on the floor with the Jacob’s Village residents in the front row of the bleachers. The Bell Choir was positioned out in the center of the floor with music behind them. Accompanying them while ringing their bells, one bell in each hand and one higher sounding than the other, was Patriotic and good-time, feel-good music. Angela got everyone on their feet when she had them play the 'Chicken Dance' to end the concert. A good time was had by all in the gymnasium listening to the Bell Choir from Woodbridge.


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