Friday, January 19, 2007

2006 Christmas with Ann

Ann Coy’s monthly activity for the residents of Jacob’s Village turned out to be a two for one treat for the month of December. The past couple of years, around the holidays, Jacob’s Village have been fortunate enough to attend one of the local elementary school’s children’s Christmas program, and this year was no different. Two of Ann’s granddaughter’s Lindsey in the 3rd grade and Amy in the 5th grade attend the St. Joseph Catholic Elementary School. Previously, Ann had made arrangements with the Jacob’s Village bunch of Wanda, Debbie, Mike, Michael, Scott, Home Coordinators Gloria and Joe to meet her at the St. Joseph School Tuesday, December 05, 2006, at 6:00pm. The St. Joseph’s kindergarten through fourth grade was presenting the Christmas musical ‘The Perfect Gift’. The program was to be held in the activity/library room beginning at 6:30pm which is located on the back side of the school. The Jacob’s Village bunch arrived to meet Ann and was told the musical had been moved into the Church on the front side of the school. It’s like an obstacle and maze course on the grounds at St. Wendel following the pavement around in between buildings to get where you’re going. Although a run around, this was not unlike another time Jacob’s Village was at St. Joseph School. Doug Regin, opting to take up a position in San Diego, CA, with Head Start and no longer around, and Scott, who was giving a disability awareness talk to the St. Joe middle schoolers, were told to enter the School on the front side. Upon their arrival, they were told to follow the pavement around to the back of the School to set up in the Activity/Library room…so it goes…an adventure with each outing. On this cold, dark and rainy December night, the Jacob’s Village bunch finally found their way to the back side entrance of the Church. It was a good thing they were a little early because the large Church was empty but just beginning to fill up. Long narrow aisles didn’t allow two way traffic and seats were found asap in the middle of the chapel. Everyone slid in one row of the pews to sit and soon, the place filled up. By the time Ann showed up, it was a full house and she had to sit on the opposite side of the room near the center aisle. The show began; each class was decked out in themed-coordinated costumes playing their part in the story. The acting and the dialogue of the script were well rehearsed and the Christmas Spirit was well received by everyone in attendance. One class played a little recorder type of piece, other classes sang, some solo such as Lindsey, and with their amusing and entertaining little tale, it was ‘The Perfect Gift’ for Christmas. A good time was had by all.


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