Thursday, June 19, 2008

2007 Christmas with Ann

Ann Coy’s Christmas Party for Jacob’s Village was scheduled for 6:00pm, Tuesday, December 11, 2007. Ann and her two grand daughters Amy & Lindsey, met the Jacob’s Village bunch of Debbie, Donna Kay, Wanda, Mike, Michael, Scott, and Home Coordinators Carol, Halleck, and Barry, in the office house for her December activity. No musicians could fit this night into their schedule and arrange to be with Ann on this night; but she is always prepared by having cassettes ready to play music. Everyone gathered around the Christmas tree, went through the standard roll call of a favorite Christmas memory, and sung carols to the music on cassette operated by Amy and Lindsey. Ann introduced the residents to a new, but old way to decorate a Christmas tree with Christmon items. Traditionally, Christmons are home-made cross-stitched 4” silver and gold cloth material symbols taken from the name of Christ that represent various aspects of the Christian faith. White (silver) is the liturgical color for Christians and it refers to the Lords purity and perfection. Gold refers to His Majesty and Glory. The word Christmon comes from combining the two words Christ and monogram. These monograms are illustrated scripture versus from ancient Christian patterns such as an angel, cross, cup, or star for a few examples. This form of praise, decorating a Christmon Tree, was developed by Francis Kipp Spencer in 1957 at the Ascension Lutheran Church in Danville, VA, to attack commercialism of the Advent season. On this special night at Jacob’s Village, Ann had everyone select an ornament from her assorted patterns of Christmons and she began reading the accompanying story for the residents. When she would come to a part in the story that would tell of a particular Christmon symbol, the individual holding the ornament, the resident would then hang it on the tree. A neat, new and interesting concept of a story it was. No sooner than we finished decorating the tree with Christmons, there arose such a clatter, everyone looked towards the door to see what was a matter. The window shades were opened and what to their wandering eyes should appear…but a jolly ‘ol guy dressed in red with a white beard. They knew in an instant who it was…it was Santa Clause, with a large bag slung over his shoulder Ho, Ho, Hoing through the door. Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas, and he knew everyone by name; he whistled then shouted here’s Debbie, Mike, and Barry, Donna Kay, Amy, and Lindsey, an Wanda, Scott, Michael, Ann, Carol, an Halleck too, as he excitingly pulled a gift out of his bag for all. Small items of an Angel ornaments for the Women and sno-globes for the men. And…to everyone’s delight, Santa Claus did take time out to have pictures taken with everyone at the party. He didn’t stay long because his work was not yet finished for the night. But everyone heard him exclaim, ‘Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night’, as he left the party. Everyone was grinning from ear to ear; Santa Claus sorta has that affect over people. With Christmas Cheer floating all around, it was time for the favorite game of ‘Christmas Bingo’ up next in the dining room at the table. Setting the mood for the Spirit of Christmas, this Bingo had varying scenes of the day making up the card replacing the umbers that Amy and Lindsey called out. The special snacks that were passed around during the games were cupcakes prepared and donated by Christina Osmond, the Children’s Minister of the Potter’s Wheel at Aldersgate Methodist Church. Along with cookies and punch, a good holiday snack it was and they were tastefully accepted and appreciated. Assorted Bingo prizes were made up from sewn, stitched, and ceramic made ornaments that were awarded to the winners, and everybody won. The Jacob’s Village residents really enjoyed Ann’s Christmas Party, with Amy and Lindsey and a VIP guest that dropped in unexpectedly with gifts for all.


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