Big Brothers/ Sisters Bowling benefit
The idea of a one-on-one mentoring relationship between an adult and a child is over 100 years old in the form of the Big Brothers Big Sisters of America organization. There are currently 477 agencies affiliated with BBBSA in the United States. In 1969 the Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Ohio Valley was incorporated being responsible for the service to the counties in Southwest Indiana and Henderson, KY. They are also members of the United Ways of Southwestern Indiana. “Bowl for Kids’ Sake” begun in Canada in the late 70’s known as “Bowl for Millions”, it was introduced in the Evansville area in 1983 under the name of “Super Strikes” having it’s name changed again to its present wording in 1990. Big Brothers Big Sisters conducts “Bowl for Kids’ Sake” each year as its biggest fund raising project having all the proceeds benefit and stay in the surrounding Evansville community. On Sunday, March 12, 2006, Jacob’s Village residents Wanda, Donna Kay, Mike, Michael and Scott transported by home coordinator Joe, participated in this years “Bowl for Kids’ Sake” at ARC Lanes in Evansville. We arrived at the Bowling Lanes at 2:15pm for our 2:45pm reservation to bowl our one game. Upon having our time confirmed and checked off, the sponsors of the event gave our group a Big Brothers/Big Sisters t-shirt, who gets it had not yet been decided. All of us were given a complimentary grab bag of coupons, informative literature, and a little stuffed bear. Donna Kay, Mike, and Michael went to try on shoes and to select a bowling ball. ARC Lanes has 60 bowling lanes to choose from and each one of them was occupied with groups and teams supporting the cause. All 60 lanes had games over approximately the same time and switched teams. Wanda and Scott did not enter the staging and scoring area but stayed back at a table and cheered on Donna Kay, Mike, and Michael every time they knocked a pin down or didn’t knock a pin down. Donna Kay had trouble carrying the ball walking up to the release line of the lane so we arranged to have a bowling ball-roll-tray for her to use that Joe set up at the line when it was her time. There were a couple of strikes, a spare or two, a few gutter balls, and a good time was had by all.
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