FUMC 'Good News Festival'
Saturday, August 19, 2006, from 10:00am-2:00pm, the First United Methodist Church of Mt. Vernon, IN, at 601 Main St., held their 2nd Annual Good News Festival with a Community Block Party. In the Church’s Wesley Hall, Susannah Wesley Nursery School is part of and is sponsored by the FUMC, there were about 20 exhibitors participating in The Good News Fest. The Mt. Vernon Ministerial Society, Visiting Nurse Association, and The Alexandrian Public Library, along with the other respected not-for-profit agencies, the Jacob’s Village representatives of: Karin Macke-Program Director, residents Scott and Michael prepared their display of informational literature and pictures hoping to spread the word of the mission at Jacob’s Village to educate the public on their services provided. Many events that were scheduled and taking place this year for all ages were games, side walk chalk art, quilting and knitting classes. Later that afternoon and early evening, there was music and assorted types of entertainment activities planned. FUMC offered a free lunch consisting of hamburgers, hotdogs, chips, drinks, and ice-cream for all who were in attendance on this day at Wesley Hall. There was a steady stream of on-lookers coming and going through out the day giving everyone the opportunity to meet and greet friendly faces. A good time of fellowship was had by all.
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