Friday, August 18, 2006

St. Paul's Episcopal Church

Sunday, July 30, 2006, Charles and Sally Huck arrived at Jacob’s Village about 9:15 am, to pick son Scott up so they could meet Doug Regin at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church. It was going to be a special day at St. Paul’s Church, located in downtown Evansville, IN, at 301 Southeast First Street. The Rev. Dr. Richard Godbold, Rector at St. Paul’s invited Doug Regin, Director of Operations at Jacob’s Village, to give the Sermon for their 10:30am morning service. It had been arranged to have Scott attend the morning service to be a visible representative of Jacob’s Village. Scott with his parents, and Doug would provide, for the ones who stayed around for coffee and refreshments afterwards, information and answers to questions that anyone would have concerning Jacob’s Village. The Lesson and Epistle for this Eighth Sunday after Pentecost pertained to the Book of Ephesians. Specifically chapter 4: verses 11-16, of how love can overcome conflicts, disagreements, and can unite, create, and build environments of everlasting love. Doug compared this to Jacob’s Village, expanded the Sermon to describe Jacob’s Village and welcomed the congregation of about 60 to visit and learn more about the Mission. Following the service, some parishioners interacted with Doug, Scott, Charles, and Sally in the fellowship hall while partaking of coffee and doughnuts. While looking at the portraits of all past Rectors of St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, Sally pointed out Father Emri Blackburn. Many years ago he was a Rector at St. Paul’s and he married Charles and Sally Huck at St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church in New Harmony. St. Stephen’s was without a preacher at that time, so Father Blackburn filled in. He had the wedding rehearsal at St. Paul’s Saturday, Nov. 14, when Charles arrived home while on leave from the Navy, and the wedding Sunday, Nov. 15, 1953, at St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church in New Harmony. Sally Huck has been a lifelong member of St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church in New Harmony and Charles became a member of the Church when they were married there. Through the years, Sally has been a member of their choir, their organist, and member of the alter guild. Charles has held many offices in the past with the vestry including Senior and Junior Warden. It seemed as if a good relationship could be formed between St. Paul’s and Jacob’s Village when a few said they would like to become a part of Jacob’s Village. A good time was enjoyed by all while listening to the Guest Lecturer’s message during this Sunday morning worship service at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church.


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