Friday, October 27, 2006

'Old Fashion' Family Picnic

Sunday, October 15, 2006, the WestWood General Baptist Church held an Old Fashioned Family Picnic on their grounds located on South Boehne Camp Rd. All Jacob’s Village residents of Wanda, Donna Kay, Debbie, Mike, Michael, Scott, and Home Coordinators Janet and Barry arrived just as the fun was beginning. The parking-lot was filling up; by chance it seemed, the two usual spaces for Jacob’s Village were open. All the games, arts, and crafts began at 2:00pm and the covered dish picnic would commence at 5:00pm under a tent behind the Church. The arts-n-crafts area to entertain the young and young at heart was set up on the South side in the grass. Many members and friends of the Church had teams of 5 to 10 people competing in a series of games for points and the team with the most points would be rewarded a trophy. The variety of exciting games consisted of: Human Bowling, where an individual lying on an automotive maintenance rolling tray called a creeper would be rolled into ten large plastic pins 25 or 30 feet away, Croq-Kick, was patterned off the old croquet game where teams used inflated beach balls, replacing wooden balls that were kicked through three ft. large plastic rings instead of small rings that were inserted into the ground to see which team could kick the ball through the course in the quickest time, Giant Ring Toss, where hoola-hoops were used as rings to toss at stakes of different height with a picture of Pastor John Sloan on them, Egg-Beaters, teams were out to crush other teams’ eggs, that were in a zip-lock bags tied on both sides of their waist, with a foam ‘Thunder Stick’, and the games ended up with the self explanatory Sack-Race. The points were tallied, a winning team was crowned, and the trophy was awarded on the stage under the tent during dinner hour. While everyone was finishing with tasty deserts from the pitch in picnic, the amateur variety show began. There were some singing, some instrument playing, and storytelling for the crowd of about 200 in attendance. Four of the six Jacob’s Village residents had special guests join them for the afternoon picnic. Two weeks prior to this event, the Jacob’s Village residents were introduced to the ‘Best Buddy International’ program through USI. This program is a volunteer type of student service in which a college student is assigned a disabled individual to build a relationship with. The ‘Best Buddy’ program can develop and evolve into a pen-pal type of friendship or a companion ‘go for an outing’ type of friendship. Mike and his buddy painted pumpkins, Michael and his buddy played basketball, Scott’s buddy took some photos, Donna Kay and her buddy conversed and watched the actions of others. A big thank you is in order for the WestWood General Baptist Church for a good time that was had by all at their Sunday afternoon picnic.

Friday, October 20, 2006

Concert for Maple Hill

Beginning at 1:00pm, there was some pickin’ and a grinin’ going on at New Harmony’s Murphy Park, Saturday, Oct. 14, 2006. The Paul Wilshire Family Band was playin’ their renditions of Blue Grass & Country Music favorites. There was free food & drink consisting of chili, hotdogs, burgers, cookies, and lemonade on this day; and all that was asked for in return was a donation. All proceeds collected would benefit the New Harmony Maple Hill Cemetery Fund. The lawn chairs were loaded and the Jacob’s Village bunch of Wanda, Michael, Scott, and home coordinator Barry left Jacob’s Village at 1:30pm, having to pick Mike up from work at 2:00pm before going to the concert. A swing back home was arranged to allow Donna Kay and Janice to follow behind. A crowd was gathering under the large canopy of leaves from tree limbs when the Jacob’s Village bunch arrived. The band was set up on a trailer inside an old tennis court, now a basketball court, puttin’ the music out. There was a smaller than expected crowd on this cool Autumn afternoon, but a feel-good looking day was being had. There were many picnic tables set up so ones who wanted something to eat could eat and watch the band comfortably. Some people were in their golf carts listening to the music and socializing while the Jacob’s Village bunch was walking up to a picnic table. One couple in a golf cart flagged the residents down and motioned for them to come over. What a surprise to see Charles and Sally Huck, who was taking in the entertainment at the park. Charles had just finished, earlier in the day making homemade pizzas for a New Harmony Kiwanis’ Club fundraiser. They have made pizzas for many years and for the past two years, Charles has donated some pizzas to Jacob’s Village from this event. The Jacob’s Village bunch had hand delivered pizzas to take home, ate some hot chili, listened to some good music, socialized, and a good time was had by all at this benefit concert for the Maple Hill Cemetery in New Harmony at Murphy Park.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Best Buddies International

7:30pm, Monday evening, Oct. 02, 2006, the Jacob’s Village bunch of Wanda, Debbie, Donna Kay, Mike, Michael, and Scott had their first get acquainted gathering with Best Buddies International at the Liberal Arts Building on the University of Southern Indiana’s campus. Home coordinators Carol and Barry had the residents there in plenty of time arriving on the USI campus in the dark and locating the Liberal Arts Building. Each Jacob’s Village resident had a buddy in waiting as well as a few other disabled individuals that were paired off with assigned USI students and the questioning began. To find out more about each other, both best buddy and disabled individual filled out a ‘Get to know you better’ paper that highlighted likes and common interests. This program is designed to administer a learning experience for a college student by developing and providing a relationship with a pre-described individual. The ‘Best Buddy’ program is a volunteer type of student service. Whether it evolves into a pen-pal relationship, a companion spending time with, or a get together ‘go for an outing’ type of friendship, it is worked out between the two of how it will be created, all within guidelines. It’s beneficial to all parties concerned to become friends with people who are different from their selves to expand their mind. Some students are pursuing an education major for their degree and this can and should broaden their understanding of disabilities. Everyone matched up well by first observation, sat around, conversed and shared ice-cream. There were about 24 people in attendance for the initial introduction meeting and the ‘Best Buddy’ program was kicked off. It seemed like a good relationship could and would be developed between the ones involved. A good time was had by all while looking forward to future engagements.

Thursday, Oct. 16, 2004

Connections have been made since the first meeting of the ‘Best Buddy’ program. For instance: greeting cards and e-mail messages have been sent, some have made visits to Jacob’s Village, a bouquet of birthday flowers were sent to a Jacob’s Village resident, and four out of six ‘Best Buddies’ joined their buddy for an Old Fashioned Family Picnic on the grounds of the WestWood General Baptist Church on South Boehne Camp Road. Many activities and games were captured on film by the cameras that were flashing at this feel-good looking Sunday afternoon picnic. A successful program is in the making and the proof will be in the pictures that will soon be developed.

Friday, October 13, 2006

Evansville Civitan Council of Clubs

Tuesday evening, 6:00pm, September 26, 2006, the local Civitan Evansville Council of Clubs met at Jacob’s Village for a meeting and meal. There are 6 area Civitan Clubs in the Evansville community and 5 of them were represented for this meeting with 10 members present. The ones in attendance: Ron and Norma Faust, Ron being Council President and the Downtown Club’s President, Robert and Rose Goff, Martin and Melissa Fraering, Maizell Kloke, Patti Hurley, Mary Schofield, and Sharon Schapker, brought in BBQ-pork, potato salad, baked beans, slaw, & rye bread for their meal; Jacob’s Village furnished an assortment of drinks for them. Prior to this meeting, Karin Macke, Program Director, and Scott Huck, resident of Jacob’s Village had met with the Downtown Club once at the Hadi Temple in Evansville. Karin and Scott greeted and introduced the Civitan group to Jacob’s Village in the home office. Unlike the other two homes, where the bedrooms are all on one side, the bedrooms are on opposite sides of this home with the living room, dining room, and kitchen in the center. Eventually, the home office will become a residential home when rooms are needed. Karin and Scott led the Civitan members on a VIP Tour of the grounds beginning out the backdoor through the courtyard pointing out specific items and areas that are of interest for first ime visitors. Jacob’s Village has 132 acres already mapped out with street names just waiting for the vacancies to fill. In the first phase of the Jacob’s Village plan, there are three homes and room for three more, yet to be built, homes to fill out the 1st pod block. These homes do and will surround the courtyard of an encompassing sidewalk, gazebo, picnic tables, swing, and flowering Azelea and Habiscus plants. Which was the 2005 Summer community project courtesy of Kenneth Corman of the Chandler, IN Boy Scout Troop 165, who was working towards his Eagle Award. This year, the 2006 fund-raising has been for a Nature Trail Walk that will be handicap-assessable around the grounds and through the woods with meditation areas, flower gardens, bird houses/feeders and will have many donors and contributors involved. As of October, 2006, it looks like the Nature Trail will carry over into the Spring of 2007. Continuing on this night, the men’s home was shown to the guests first because a birthday party was going on in the women’s home for the men’s home coordinator. Coming up on our second anniversary, we continue inviting to entertain individuals, groups, and clubs out to Jacob’s Village to get to know us and become a partner in our life’s journey. Our mission is to help others and we are dedicated to enriching the lives of adults with developmentally and functional disabilities. The two occupied Men’s & Women’s homes face the West while the back doors open up to the East and into the courtyard. The homes are separated by a carport and the front porches have nice looking, relaxing furniture made from recyclable material that one can watch beautiful sunsets in. Each home has occupancy for four residents and a home coordinator with five bedrooms; two sets of two bedrooms have adjoining baths and a suite for the home coordinator with a private bath. Also, there is a pass through window from the kitchen to a large living room, a dining room, wide hallways, and plenty of closet space. Upon completion of the VIP tour, all members of the Civitan Club returned to the office for their meal and meeting. Everyone of the Evansville Council of Civitan Clubs enjoyed their time, tour, and meal and were glad to have visited Jacob’s Village.