Thursday, January 22, 2009

Wadesville General Baptist Church

Late Monday afternoon, April 07, 2008, Gloria, the Women’s Home Coordinator, was preparing a BBQ pork-chop dish, a stir-fry vegetable-pasta mix, rolls, and a Sweet Potato Pie for the evening meal in the Men’s Home at Jacob’s Village. The meal preparation was a little earlier than normal because of expected special guests that were to visit. Mike was just finishing his reading lesson with tutor Don Tucker, METS had just returned Michael and Debbie back home from their work, and the sweet smelling BBQ aroma was filling the air, and it was supper time at Jacob’s Village. Joe, the Men’s Home Coordinator, assisting Gloria with the meal, prepared the table. The three other Jacob’s Village residents, Wanda, Donna Kay, Scott, joined everyone else at the supper table in the dining room; blessed the meal and enjoyed a tasty dish. They had just cleaned and cleared the area from the meal when Pastor Joe Dumond and his wife Jaclyn from the Wadesville General Baptist Church (WGBC) arrived for an evening prayer service that was to begin at 6:00pm. Pasttor Joe has only been leading WGBC for less than two years, but this is not his and Jaclyn’s first visit to Jacob’s Village. Due to prior commitments, they were unable to visit with the residents last year, although, the congregational members of the WGBC and the residents have had a good relationship in the past even before Pastor Dumond joined them. They were one of the first groups to come out and play bingo with the residents and host picnics. For this April evening, everyone gathered in the living room. Introductions were made and the names and faces of the residents were not a total loss for the guests. It didn’t take long for them to have their memories refreshed. Small talk and reviewing the past year’s events were the topics for discussion. Since Jacob’s Village is still in some areas, small enough in population size and in developmental stages, the residents are fortunate to be able to spend quality time with each other during most evening meals. There is good fellowship and camaraderie among the current residents, therefore, Pastor Joe blessed the evening with everyone in prayer. He pulled out some notes that he was working on and preparing for an upcoming Sermon. He compared Jacob’s Village and its residents to the 1970’s cartoon ‘Super Friends’. As diverse of a group that the Super Heroes were with characters such as: Captain America, Superman, Aquaman, and Wonder Woman, just to name a few of the friends; they were focused and all committed to one mission. And…they were all one team, blessed with their particular individual talents of strength. What one lacked, another would fill in and help the others out; and that’s the similarity Pastor Joe seen within Jacob’s Village. All the residents Live Together, Learn Together, Share Together, Act Together, Praise Together, and Grow Together. He passed around Bible scripture handouts taken from the Book of Acts, Chapter 2, versus 41-47; In that day about three thousand took him at his word, were baptized and were signed up. They committed themselves to the teaching of the apostles, the life together, the common meal, and the prayers.
Everyone around was in awe – all those wonders and signs done through the apostles! And all the believers lived in a wonderful harmony, holding everything in common. They sold whatever they owned and pooled their resources so that each person’s need was met.
They followed a daily discipline of worship in the temple followed by6 meals in the home, every meal a celebration, exuberant and joyful, as they praised God. People in general liked what they saw. Every day their number grew as God added those who were saved.
Following the prayers and scripture reading, a couple favorite old time gospel songs were sung, accapello style. Although Jaclyn plays piano and keyboards very well, as she did the first time, the portable electric keyboard was not used. It was suggested for everyone to step out onto the front porch for a group photo. Overlooking Mike’s garden spot, which hasn’t been prepared for seeds yet and viewing the setting sun, the conversation shifted to up and coming events for the Summer and the new Nature Trail and Meditation Garden. With the wet Spring, comes a soft walk, and a wheelchair leaves small ruts and tracks in the Nature Trail. The type of rock used with the crushed stone base, after a day or two, it levels itself out. Pastor Joe and Jaclyn passed up on tour of the walk; however, they would try to attend the ribbon cutting that would be held upon completion, when it dries out sometime, during the Summer months. It was a nice and comfortable evening to be outside and a couple of pictures were taken. The residents all thanked Pastor Joe and Jaclyn for their evening time and bade farewell. An enjoyable evening it was and the Jacob’s Village residents all are hoping for a return visit by the WGBC that will be sooner than later.


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