Accessibility Improvements
The Posey County Community Foundation (PCCF), in existence since 1992, awarded Jacob’s Village one of their 16 non-profit organizational grants. The PCCF’s support was made possible this past year by having 58 endowment funds created by donors who serve a variety of worthwhile community needs. All of the grants address a variety of needs that usually stay in Posey County, although, when there is a direct link to the PCCF, they do accommodate. Such was the case with Jacob’s Village and The Evansville Philharmonic Orchestra who also received an award outside of Posey County. They have given the responsibility of determining who receives these grants to the PCCF’s Grants and Distribution Committee. Wednesday, June 07, 2006, at the Red Geranium’s Bayou Conference Center in New Harmony, IN, Karen Walker, President of the PCCF, and Don Williams, Chairman of the Grants and Distribution Committee presented Cheryl Kuchna, Executive Director, and A. Scott Huck, resident of Jacob’s Village, the award to adapt their recreational courtyard with accessibility improvements. This grant was for the purchase and installation of handrails and metal ramp plates. The handrails are for the sloped areas and steps along the sidewalk and the metal ramp plates are for a transitional handicap accessible entrance into their Recreational Courtyard Gazebo. Bids were sent out and week before Christmas, Kerry Fetcher and Earl Thornton, representing the Popham Company Inc. brought the material out and started work hoping to finish within a few days. Progress was being made, railings were set and looking good; then the rains set in and the ramps had to wait. They did return between Christmas and New Years’ to finish the job and a fine job they did. Jacob’s Village sends a big heart thank you out to the Posey County Community Foundation and the Popham Company Inc. for making well needed adaptations and improvements to better serve everyone here at Jacob’s Village.
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