Thursday, June 14, 2007

Ann Coy Time for May

Tuesday evening, May 22, 2007, Ann Coy visited Jacob’s Village in the Women’s Home for her monthly activity. Ann always provides a spiritual message during her visits and this time was no different; Pastor Kevin McKinney, Senior Pastor at the United Methodist Temple was her special guest. Pastor Kevin had a guitar in hand and a good guitar player he was. As it has been said many times in the past, any musician soon becomes a FOJV. After introductions were made, a blessing was given for the night. Ann always likes to start her evenings out with a small word association type of roll-call song depending on the nearest holiday or season. This time, naming a favorite part of Spring or Summer time was in order for everyone in attendance. With his guitar, Pastor Kevin strummed out ‘This Little Light of Mine’ and all residents of Wanda, Donna Kay, Debbie, Mike, Michael, and Scott sung along. Pastor Kevin read Scripture from the books of Psalm 27:1 The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life; of whom shall I be afraid? John; Chapter 12: verse 36, While you have the light, believe in the light, so that you may become children of light. Ephesians; Chapter 5: verse 8 For once you were darkness, but now in the Lord you are light. Live as children of light-- John; Chapter 1: verse 9 If we confess our sins, he who is faithful and just will forgive us - our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. As you may have well guessed, the theme for Ann’s visit this month was: ‘What kind of light do you give off?’ Light is referenced in the Bible many times and is filled with examples of what kind of light is expected to come from each individual. As the spiritual and prayer time came to a close, it was time for the ever popular snack time. On this evening, Ann had watermelon, strawberries, Aussie muffins, milk, and Sprite. Always healthy, according to Ann, and sometimes unexpected, the snack treats Ann brings along with her are always liked and usually they leave a question with the residents. Is that all there is, aren’t there any more?…Not until next time… For the craft project this month, Ann had a maroon foam 8” cut-out Cross kit for everyone. This kit required sticking added designs to it, putting your name on it, and gluing a magnet on the back so it could hang on the refrigerator. The Jacob’s Village residents always looks forward to Ann’s once a month themed activity with the special guests, snacks, and craft projects that she has planned. And this time, the residents send a big heart thank you out to Pastor Kevin McKinney, Senior Pastor at the United Methodist Temple for blessing Jacob’s Village with his presence and guitar playing talents.


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