Wednesday, May 23, 2007

St. Peter's U.C.C. - Clown & Puppet Ministry

Wednesday, April 18, 2007, Rev. Karen Lipinczyk, from the St. Peter’s United Church of Christ made her second Pastoral visit to Jacob’s Village. Arriving by herself before her entourage, Rev. Karen brought with her a box full of soft, furry, and stuffed cuddly critters, including a couple with sounds that made up the St. Peter’s Puppet Ministry. The residents of Jacob’s Village: Wanda, Donna Kay, Debbie, Mike, Michael, and Scott really enjoyed her first visit back in July of 2006 and expected nothing less but a bit curious this time around. Rev. Karen thought everyone should be prompted for what was about to happen. So, with the assistance of Home Coordinators Carol and Barry, she distributed all the hand puppets out to the residents to get acquainted with. Rev. Karen briefed every one of what they could expect and she had it timed pretty well. Just as she was finishing her brief; the eight members of the Clown Ministry of St. Peter’s were just arriving. The Clown Ministry included: Karla Ramsey as Spunky, Micah Wilhite as Kitty, Gene Wolf as Sonny, Sue Wolf as Pusot, Melanie Hoffman as Marshmallow, and Rev. Karen Lipinczyk as Cosmo with two smaller clowns, Devon Compton as Zippy and Alesha Ramsey as Cookie. Bringing up the rear was the master puppeteer of the Puppet Ministry, Jeanne Johnston (JJ). JJ named and identified all the puppets that the residents were holding with unique names. The Puppets included: Pokey the Porcupine, Skinner the white Rat, Sham the quacking Duck, Beaky the Cockatiel, Schnozz the barking Dog, M E the baby Monkey, Sweet Pea the Skunk, Goofy the Disney Dog, and Melody Moo the Cow. As chance would have it, resident Scott had just returned a few days before from being with his parents Charles and Sally Huck at Charles’ Tarawa Veteran’s Association’s, Naval Aircraft Carrier, reunion in Dayton, OH. While there, Scott had purchased two puppets of his own, never having seen them before, he had to have them. He showed off his new Rocky & Bullwinkle hand puppets that blended in well with the other puppets. After JJ’s introduction of the puppets, Rev. Karen read scripture from The First Letter of Paul to the Corinthians, of how no one gets left out and everyone is viewed upon as the same and equal. Rev. Karen and St. Peter’s UCC’s pastoral visit this time coincided with April fool’s day which was two weeks away. She related to everyone that the Bible also speaks of fools and foolishness; also in Chapter 1 in the First Letter of Paul to the Corinthians, verse 18-31, 1.18 For the message about the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God. 1.25 For God’s foolishness is wiser than human wisdom, and God’s weakness is stronger than human strength. 1.31 in order that, as it is written, “Let the one who boasts, boast in the Lord.” To customize the word and to go along with the scripture, the Clown Ministry put on a couple of skits acting the word out. One was of the Apostle Paul and another man fishing. The second man was picking and choosing what fish he wanted to keep from the ones he had caught, leaving some behind that didn’t fit his criteria. When it came time for Paul to choose from the ones he caught, he did not discriminate; all, regardless of looks, shape, or form were allowed to become a part of his group. The second skit, a debut performance, pertained to Noah’s Ark delivering the same message. Everyone and everything is accepted the way they are with no exceptions. At the end of their evening service and before they left, the visitors from St. Peter’s had another surprise for the residents of Jacob’s Village. Sue Wolf placed some of her home-made cookies and punch on the dining room table for everyone to enjoy. Boy, that’s a sure fire way to become a FOJV, Friend of Jacob’s Village. The Jacob’s Village bunch really like the messages that Rev. Karen and all of her ministries convey. They send a big heart thank you to Rev. Karen, JJ, and all the ministry’s members from St. Peter’s United Church of Christ for blessing Jacob’s Village.


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