Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Movie Time with Ann Coy

Saturday afternoon, June 30, 2007, for Ann Coy’s monthly activity time, Ann treated the residents of Jacob’s Village to a day at the movies. She wanted them to meet her at Showplace East in Evansville, IN. around 3:00pm. Ann figured that about a half-n-hour before the show started would allow everyone enough time to snap a couple group photos, grab some popcorn, drinks, and locate their seats. The movie she had tickets for, courtesy of an anonymous donor, were for the 3:30pm showing of ‘Evan Almighty’. That particular time usually works out best for the residents because Mike doesn’t get off from work until 2:00pm. Ann always wants to have all the residents to be included, but on this day, there were two missing. Michael and Debbie were unable to join the rest of the bunch on this movie day. Debbie always spends weekends with her mother, Mary, and Michael was picked up earlier in the day by his sister from Indianapolis, IN. He spends the 4th of July week with Jane and Joe Weis and they usually have their time filled with an assortment of activities. The Jacob’s Village residents available were: Wanda, Donna Kay, Mike, Scott, and Home Coordinators Gloria and Joe. They all left Jacob’s Village to pick Mike up from work with a clean shirt for him to change into. They arrived at Showplace East and were greeted by Ann waiting in the lobby. It’s a big lobby they have there and it sets 3 or 4 steps above the front entrance doors and parking lot. They have many doors to choose from in the front, but only two that are not exiting doors. Once inside, one must arrange for an attendant to operate an elevator for wheelchair bound individuals. Jacob’s Village has two wheelchairs and as with many facilities, it’s always an adventure to get where you want to go. They made it to the main floor and were amazed with the large refreshment station, as well as with the large arcade-game room that had all kinds of video displays sounding off with bells and whistles. A couple of photos were taken to have proof they were there and the refreshments were passed out. The correct theatre and screen were found; there’s about ten or twelve of’em, and the Jacob’s Village bunch were the first ones in, so a choice of seat location was theirs. Upcoming attractions were viewed, popcorn and drinks were being consumed and Ann had a bonus for the bunch; a small zip-lock bag full of goodies for each resident. ‘Evan Almighty’ was a feel-good, Disney, current day Noah and the Ark story with many Biblical references scattered throughout the movie. For instance, Ark was an acronym for an Act of Random Kindness. A lot of them were entwined and well written into the script that was easily overlooked, but it was a comedy and everyone laughed out loud a time or two. A good time was had by all and the Jacob’s Village bunch sends a big heart thank you to Ann for a delightful Saturday afternoon at the movies.


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