Wednesday, February 27, 2008

St. Joseph's Catholic School's 8th Grade Class

Tuesday, Oct. 30, a day before Halloween, Mary Kay Elpers had arranged to bring her 8th Grade Class from St. Joseph’s Catholic Junior High School to Jacob’s Village to have a Halloween activity with the residents. A School Bus from St. Joseph’s School rolled into the parking lot and let 18 students out, all with a sack lunch, at 9:00am. Karin Macke, Program Director at Jacob’s Village, and Scott, who is usually in the office about 8:30am, met Ms. Elpers and her 8th Grade class inside, directed and led them into the Women’s home. At this time of the morning, not all residents are available for an activity because Michael and Debbie leave Jacob’s Village earlier to be at work at their respected times. So, the remaining residents available for activities in the mornings are Wanda, Donna Kay, Mike, and Scott. Wanda and Mike are picked up a little later by MET’s; although on this day, Karin had arranged for Becky to provide transportation for them instead of having MET’s pick them up so they could participate in as many activities as they could. Introductions were made and the students presented a small list of activities they wanted to do to fill up their morning time with the residents. Jacobs Village has a good relationship with the St. Joseph’s School having attended a few holiday school functions and having presented Disability Awareness Programs to them. Ann Coy, a VIP of Jacobs Village, has two granddaughters, Amy and Lindsey currently attending St. Joseph’s School. Both Amy and Lindsey are frequent guests of Jacob’s Village accompanying their grandmother Ann from time to time. The older of the two, Amy who is in the 8th Grade, was with her class on this day for their field-trip; and not unlike any other time, Amy was a big help, as was all the students, organizing the activities for their class and the residents on this day. The students and the residents formed a circle to play a game of ‘Hot Potato’ with a Pumpkin. They didn’t refer to it as ‘Hot Pumpkin’, but that’s what it was. A portable jam box played music and the Pumpkin was being passed making its way ‘round the circle. Whoever was holding the Pumpkin when the music stopped was out and eliminated from the circle. The last one remaining was awarded candy from the teacher Ms. Elpers. Is that right, a teacher giving candy to a student? It was this time and the candy was delightfully accepted. Halloween Bingo was played with cards and Halloween symbols, in place of numbers, which the 8th Grade Class had worked up in their Art Class. Also in their Art Class, they had painted a pumpkin for each resident, present or not. Good art work was on every pumpkin, some a little more eerie and spookier than others. The pumpkins were awarded as Bingo prizes; although, only one pumpkin per resident, the students had only painted six pumpkins. Following the games, it was time for Becky to transport Wanda and Mike to their work. Karin and Scott gave the 8th Grade Class a VIP tour of the Homes, Courtyard, Grounds, and the new, soon to be completed Nature Trail Walk. A nice, short, and relaxing escape the Walk provides. So far, everyone seems to enjoy the Jacob’s Village Nature Trail Walk for the peacefulness and the wildlife it can and will attract. There are benches to sit on that overlook a couple of Flower Gardens, assorted Butterfly Bush’s, Bird Baths, Bird Feeders, and Houses. Past the attractions, down 20 yards into the woods, there is a Meditation Area. It is a round terrace about 15’ circumference area built up level with fill dirt, rip-rap rock, and a solid base foundation covered with stepping stones with Polymer Sand filled in-between them. It has Azaleas planted around the sides topped off with Cedar Mulch to prevent erosion. The area will soon have two benches, a large cross, and an arch-way Arbor at the entrance. It is far enough along to get the idea of what it can and will be. The projected completion date is not yet set, but work will resume when it dries and warms up again in the Spring of 2008. A few photos were taken of the students, inside and out, and they even made note cards for the residents. It was about lunch time and the students emptied the contents of their sack lunches out on the picnic tables in the courtyard. After their lunch, the students played a follow the leader type of tag running game to occupy their time. How convenient the big outdoors are out at Jacob’s Village so teen-agers can burn up some of their energies. A well behaved group of students they were. The Jacob’s Village residents are always ready to host a group of visitors that enjoy themselves by spending a little time with others. Also at the same time, being a Tuesday, Scott’s volunteer driver showed up to take him to New Harmony to give tours at the Rapp/Owen Granary. Scott is scheduled to give tours once a week, on Tuesdays, 1:00pm-3:00pm, April through the first week of December, for the Tourist Season. Scott was just leaving as the St. Joseph’s 8th Grade class was preparing to load back up into their School Bus. Jacob’s Village sends a Big Heart Thank You to the St. Joseph’s Catholic Junior High School’s 8th Grade Class and Ms. Elpers for providing the residents with a little fun with a Halloween 2007 activity.

Memorial Baptist Church Picnic

Sunday, October 07, 2007, was a feel-good-looking day to be outside; a comfortable temperature, a slight breeze, and a few clouds in the sky were the makings for a lovely day. Mike and Wanda, as usual, were picked up and transported to the St. Agnes Catholic Church for their early services. Donna Kay, Debbie, Michael, and Scott were transported to their favorite Sunday School Classes and Morning Worship Services at WestWood General Baptist Church by Home-Coordinators Gloria and Joe. All returned back to Jacob’s Village feeling good and ready for the day. A light lunch was prepared for the residents while they anxiously awaited a bountiful selection of picnic goodies that were not far off. Rev. Paul Wellinghoff and the congregation from the Memorial Baptist Church had made arrangements to provide an afternoon picnic for the residents of Jacob’s Village. Shortly before 4:00pm, several of the Church’s members started arriving, some into the parking lot out front and some pulled on around to the carport in between the homes. Scott greeted the guests that had pulled into the parking lot and showed them into the Business Office. The Memorial Baptist Church members continued arriving in cars and the Business Office House was the centralized gathering spot for the guests. As a Church, this was their first introduction to Jacob’s Village; although, Rev. Paul Wellinghoff had visited with Scott on a couple of occasions before hand to set a date for this activity. Rev. Paul had led a Baptist Church in New Harmony for a few years and Scott had met him and his wife Laura and his children Elizabeth and Joshua. Rev. Paul married Scott’s nephew Joshua Harris and Suzanne Stewart back a few years before. There were twenty or more members from the Memorial Baptist Church participating in the picnic for Jacob’s Village. The introductions, newsletter sign-ups, and handing out of Jacob’s Village literature were all taken care of and the strategy for the picnic was all decided upon inside the office. With everyone on the same page of knowing what to do, the dishes of the pitch-in food were placed on the counter space. The filling of the plates would be inside while the dining would take place out around the gazebo in the courtyard. The grill was fired up for burgers and hotdogs while drinks were being prepared. Rev. Paul had everyone join in with him as he blessed the evening and a good time of fellowship was enjoyed by all. New friendships were being formed, and delicious dishes of food were consumed. After the picnic trash was all cleaned up, Dennis Gibson, the Music Director at Memorial Baptist with a portable electric keyboard, led everyone in a few old time Gospel songs. The sun was sinking lower and with darkness rapidly approaching, everyone walked and rolled out to the yet to be completed, Jacob’s Village Nature Trail Walk and Meditation Area. Everyone gathered around a bench overlooking a bird bath and flowerbed, while Rev. Paul Wellinghoff Christened and Blessed the Nature Trail with an Evening Prayer Service. A Big Heart Thank You is sent out from the residents of Jacob's Village to the Memorial Baptist Church for spending an evening with them.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Ann Coy's September Fruits of the Spirit

Tuesday evening, September 25, 2007, Ann Coy’s activity for the month was a basket of 9 fruit items that consisted of: Plum, Pear, Apple, Peach, Lemon, Grapes, Orange, Banana, and a Pineapple.
Fruits of the Spirit in Galations, Chapter 5: versus 22-23, we read that when the Holy Spirit controls our lives, He will produce these fruits in us:
Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, and Self-Control.

1. LOVE - John 3:16
For God so loved the world that he gave his only son – so that anyone who believes in him shall not parish, but have eternal life.
2. JOY - Phillipians 4:04
Always be full of joy – I say to you – REJOICE!
3. PEACE - Phillipians 4:07
If you pray, you will experience God’s peace which is more wonderful than we can understand. As you trust Jesus, His peace will quiet your thoughts and give you rest.
4. PATIENCE - 1 Thessalonians 5:14
Be patient with everyone. Always be good to each other.
5. KIINDNESS - Ephesians 2:10
God has given us new lives in Jesus Christ – that we should spend our lives in helping others.
6. GOODNESS - Hebrews 13:16
Always do good deeds and share what you have with others.
7. FAITHFULNUS - Hebrews 1:01
Faithfulness is the confidence that something we want or need is going to happen for us. We place our hope in God.
8. GENTLENESS - 1 Peter 3:04
Be beautiful inside your hearts – with a gentle and quiet spirit, which is so precious to God.
9. SELF-CONTROL - James 1:19
Don’t ever forget that it is best to listen much, speak little, and don’t get angry – for anger does not make us good, and God wants us good.
Before snacks of Fruit to end the evening, Ann’s two grand-daughter’s Amy and Lindsey had choreographed a Ballet to the narration story of ‘The Creation’. Amy was unable to be here but Lindsey danced with appropriate music dressed in white lace while waving props of ribbons, veils, and sparkles. An outstanding presentation it was.