Monday, March 03, 2008

74th Annual Hadi Shrine Circus

When the 2007 Thanksgiving Holiday Weekend rolled around, everyone knew it was that time of year again. The place to be, since moving from the Downtown Coliseum in 1957, was Roberts Stadium in Evansville, IN. The Hadi Temple Shrine Chapter of Evansville was proudly presenting, what has been billed as the country’s ‘Last Great Shrine Circus’ with 3-Rings, 120 Circus people, 20 acts, the 74th Annual Shrine Circus. The Circus was in town to present nine exciting, fun-filled, and death-defying performances over the holiday weekend of Nov. 22-25. The Jacob’s Village residents: Wanda, Donna Kay, Mike, Michael, Scott, and Home-Coordinators Janice and Barry were blessed for the third year in a row to take part and watch the outstanding and entertaining 3-Ring Circus. Indiana State Police Officer and member of the Posey County Shrine Club, Greg Oeth and his wife Melody, arranged to provide and donate general admission tickets to Jacob’s Village. As in the past, the final matinee performance that was scheduled for 3:00pm Sunday afternoon, Nov. 25, seemed to work out best for the Jacob’s Village bunch to attend over the four Hadi Temple Shrine Circus Days. All of the residents returned home from church that Sunday, except for Debbie, who was still with her family, loaded up in the rain about 1:30pm to see The Greatest Show on Earth. Arriving early, the doors didn’t open until 2:00pm, but were able to get in out of the rain and wait in the breezeway a few minutes along with others. Coloring books were purchased, seats were found, and circus officials were prepping for the show. Shrine Club members were supervising Elephant and miniature Pony rides for an estimated 6,500 kids over the 4 show days. The Circus stars, performers, and the Hadi Funster Clowns, celebrating their 50th year, began parading around the 3-Rings when the Barker, ‘Ring Master’ blew his whistle. Staged out of sight above the tunnel, the Hadi Circus Band and sounds from the Calliope provided music for everyone to enjoy. Animals, acrobatic high-wire acts, gymnastic feats and clowns make up a Circus and 14 Siberian White Tigers were the first act to show off their many tricks. Although the Tiger Tamer didn’t stick his head into one of the Tigers’ mouths, jumping through a flaming fire-laced ring and weaving around each other in a figure eight were among some of their tricks. 9 Elephants + a baby Elephant paraded around performing many amusing stunts. There were 6 large white Horses stepping, prancing and raring back on their hind legs in unison, reminding one of the ‘Rockettes’. Many Acrobatic girls were all decked out with glitz and glamour on the costumes hanging from every pole, beam, and line in the stadium. They were working rings, twirling by their feet, and stretching their bodies out to the max. There was a Dog & Pony show, Camels, and they were making Monkeys out of ‘Da Bears’ or were ‘Da Bears’ acting like Monkeys…either way, they had Monkeys riding Ponies and ‘Da Bears’ riding bicycles. The Kenyon Wizards Acrobatic Team was running, jumping, and sticking to each other like Velcro building human pyramids. They did the Limbo under a blazing bar and one had to wonder, How low could they go? From high above the crowd…even above the Band, to the delight of all the children; Spiderman-the 2007 special guest for the Circus came spinning down a guy line spinning webs. He went over to his designated spot, spun a web and posed for pictures with young & old children alike who lined up around the 3-Rings to see him. Taking up 20 minutes to a half-hour, it served as an intermission for everyone to stretch, grab a snack, and get closer to the clowns. After the Spiderman photo ops were finished, the death-defying acts began and had everyone’s attention. The Flying Michaels, a five-member family of trapeze artists, were flying high above the 3 Rings spinning back and forth from the trapeze bars to the platform, with a safety net below. In reality, it was 1 Michael and 4 Michelle’s + a little Michelle, from South Africa. On one of the sides, a group of 4 men walked up a support guy-wire to a platform that had a high-wire tight-rope stretched 30’ across to another platform. This was 50’ off the floor with no safety net. They walked, climbed, and skipped rope, did stunts on a chair with or without a balancing beam. The Grand Finale had 2 motorcycles racing around inside a 20’ round ‘Globe of Death’. It was hard to imagine why the 2 cycles didn’t run into each other inside the ‘Globe’ because it didn’t look big enough. You knew, if one of them hiccupped, it would become a disaster. Then, another cycle was put in the mix and if adding one more wasn’t enough, they drove another cycle into the ‘Globe’!! , there were 4 motorcycles running in different directions inside. And, if that wasn’t a recipe for disaster, you didn’t know what was. Jacob’s Village is so appreciative and sends a Big Heart Thank You to Greg and Melody Oeth and the Posey County Shrine Club for donating tickets so the residents could see The Greatest Show on Earth.
The Shrine was founded in 1870 by two Scottish Rite Masons who got the idea from an Arabian Diplomat in France. In 1872 11 other Scottish and York Rite Masons were received into the Order of the Mystic Shrine’s first Temple in the U.S., Mecca, in New York City. It has grown to over 900,000 members with 191 Shrine Temples throughout North America. The Evansville Shrine has its beginnings set in 1910. To become a member of the Shine, candidates must be in good standing of the Scottish or York rites Masonic Organizations. The Hadi Temple Shrine lends its support to many worthwhile causes in the community from the money it raises from the annual Circus. With many Shiners Hospitals and their philanthropic efforts toward healing the handicapped, the Hadi Temple Shrine is a good neighbor to have. Thank You

Thanksgiving Day Prayers with Ann

Ann Coy’s monthly activity night for the residents Debbie, Donna Kay, Wanda, Mike, Michael, Scott, and Home Coordinators Carol, Halleck, and Barry of Jacob’s Village was Tuesday November 13, 2007. Ann arrived at Jacob’s Village about 6:15pm that evening with grand-daughter Lindsey for a special Thanksgiving visit. Another guest of Ann’s on this special night was Ann Moore, with a guitar case in hand. The residents really enjoy when Ann brings an entourage with her especially one or both of her grand-daughters who sometimes may have a friend along with them too and a musician or two. The theme for this November activity, as one could guess, was Thanksgiving, giving thanks for loved ones and animals. Animals play a big part in the Bible and…most everyone’s life…so Ann had a special treat worked up for the Jacob’s Village bunch. After introducing Ann and having her strum the music for the standard and appropriate holiday greeting roll-call song, in which, whatever the residents were thankful for was stated. Ann said a little prayer for everyone and as usual, prior to the activity, has Scott look up some chosen scripture relating to the relevant theme of the activity and read it. For this evening, the selected readings were:
Genesis, Chapter 6: versus 17-21, 17For my part, I am going to bring a flood of waters on the Earth, to destroy from under Heaven all flesh in which is the breath of life; everything that is on the Earth shall die. 18But I will establish my covenant with you; and you shall come into the Ark, you, your sons, your wife, and your sons’ wives with you.19 And of every living thing, of all flesh, you shall bring two of every kind into the Ark, to keep them alive with you; they shall be male and female. 20Of the birds according to their kinds, of every creeping thing of the ground according to its kind, two of every kind shall come into you, to keep them alive. 21Also take with you every kind of food that is eaten, and store it up; and it shall serve as food for you and for them.
Isaiah, Chapter 11: versus 6-9, 6In that day the wolf and the lamb will lie down together, and the Leopard and Goats will be at peace. Calves and fat Cattle will be safe among Lions, and a little child shall lead them all. 7The Cows will graze among Bears; Cubs and Calves will lie down together, and Lions will eat grass like the Cows. 8Babies will crawl safely among poisonous Snakes, and a little child who puts his hand in a nest of deadly Adders will pull it out unharmed. 9Nothing will hurt or destroy in all my holy mountain, for as the waters fill the sea, so shall the Earth be full of the knowledge of the Lord.
Mathew, Chapter 18: versus 10-14, 10“Take care that you do not despise one of these little ones; for, I tell you, in Heaven their angels continually see the face of my Father in Heaven. 12What do you think? If a shepherd has a hundred sheep, and one of them has gone astray, does he not leave the ninety-nine on the mountains and go in search of the one that went astray? 13And if he finds it, truly I tell you, he rejoices over it more than over the ninety-nine that never went astray. 14So it is not the will of your Father in Heaven that one of these little ones should be lost.
Following the scripture reading, she handed everyone a sock that would play a part in her new interactive animal song that she wanted all to participate in. The song title was ‘We’ll be singing and praising God all day long …amen’ to the tune of ‘She’ll be coming around the mountain when she comes…yahoo’, and it was simple enough to learn. There were seven verses including the title that had lyrics naming different animals. Ann brought all the craft hardware supplies to have each resident make a hand-sock puppet. There was help when needed ‘cause we all know, the Jacob’s Village bunch does ‘get by with a little help from their friends’. The sock-puppets would be of the animals mentioned in the song. The animals and who made them are as listed: Donna Kay’s Elsie the Cow, Debbie’s Miranda the Duck, Wanda’s Rebecca the Pig, Mike’s Sal the Horse, Scott’s Harry the Dog, and Michael’s Billy the Goat. As silly as it sounds, especially with the lyrics, it was hilarious, a lot of laughing was had by all and that is why Ann comes out; relieve a little stress, laugh, enjoy the moment, and have a good time. A few more songs were sung with Ann Moore providing good accompanying guitar music. One in particular for the evening was, ‘Come, Ye Thankful People, Come’. Everyone likes a good story, so again, Ann asked Scott to share a Thanksgiving story to finish up with before snacks. So, Scott began with a little background of the brief story of what led to the First Thanksgiving. Finally, after the Pilgrims 3rd or 4th attempt, on Sept. 06, 1620, 110 members and crew aboard ‘The Mayflower’, sailed off into the Atlantic Ocean from Plymouth, England in hopes of finding religious freedom in the ‘New World’. ‘The Mayflower’ traveled across a stormy Atlantic Ocean for 66 days landing at ‘Plymouth Rock’, what is now known as Cape Cod and Plymouth, Mass. The Pilgrims settled at a vacant and what was once a bustling village of the Patuxet Indian Tribe who were decimated by disease four years earlier. Within four months of landing, only about 55 Pilgrim’s survived the harsh elements of Winter and diseases that ravaged the settlement. March 16, the following Spring, three large Indians walked up and greeted them in English. Squanto, the last known survivor of the Patuxet Tribe, spoke fluent English from being held hostage in England before escaping, Samoset and Massosoit. The three towering Indians, once feared, offered their help in many ways including putting in crops of produce and vegetable gardens. That Fall with a bountiful harvest, Pilgrim Governor William Bradford declared a Day of Thanksgiving for all to enjoy. Ann’s time ran a little over, but there will always be time for a craft and snack. There were supplies for everyone to make assorted gift name-tags with ribbons and fruit torts for a snack. A big heart Thank You is sent out to Ann, Ann and Lindsey.

Zoar's U.C.C. Thanksgiving Activity

The Women’s Guild of Zoar’s United Church of Christ invited all residents of Jacob’s Village: Wanda, Donna Kay, Debbie, Mike, Michael, Scott and Home Coordinators Carol, Halleck and Barry, to a day of activities and a Spaghetti supper Sunday, November 11, 2007. Not knowing what all to expect, the Jacob’s Village bunch departed from home in between rain showers and arrived at Zoar’s about 2:45pm. Zoar’s is just South of Highway 66 and East on New Harmony Road towards Evansville, not far from Jacob’s Village. Upon arrival, being a few minutes early, the parking lot behind the Church was bare with only a couple of cars in it. The residents unloaded, found the Church door unlocked and went inside out of the rain. Although Zoar’s U.C.C. has a large kitchen and Fellowship Hall, it is down on the lower level. They do have a small elevator that is wheelchair accessible, so irregardless of anyone’s mode of mobility, everyone is able to reach any of the three levels. Scott had been there once before with Jacob’s Village’s Executive Director, Cheryl Kuchna and Program Director, Karin Macke for a presentation to inform Zoar’s congregation about the mission of Jacob’s Village. Once the elevator was operational with the assistance of a Guild member, everybody was lowered down to the basement level. In the meantime, the rest of the Women’s Guild began arriving that included: Katherini Schmuck, Danica Barr, Pat Seipert, Margaret Clem, Jean Schroeder, Ellen Berberich, Shirley Johann, Cindy Motz, Jana and Andrea Pritchett. The Women’s Guild had planned a full afternoon of making an assortment of Thanksgiving Day arts & crafts. Come to find out, the crafts being made would be for the residents of Jacob’s Village themselves and one in particular for the residents of Pine Haven and Heritage Healthcare Centers. After introductions to refresh memories, Zoar’s U.C.C. and most if not all of the Women’s Guild had been out to Jacob’s Village for a picnic June 24; and through there generous volunteer hours, Cindy Motz and Don Johann since then, has provided transportation for Scott to and from New Harmony to give tours at the Rapp/Owen Granary, the craft making began. Supplies were passed out and Shirley Johann demonstrated to everyone on how to make a pumpkin out of a full roll of toilet paper, straight from the ‘101 Uses of Toilet Paper Handbook’. The supplies included: a 12” by 12” orange square cloth material, a small strip of green material for a leaf, twisted up brown paper for a stem, and long dried out grass to tie in a bow to top it off. Upon completion, the Jacob’s Village bunch had a nice looking pumpkin to take home. Next, a pre-cut brown template of a Cornucopia basket was to have assorted shapes of fruit cut out and glued with appropriate colored construction paper. All the items were to be arranged on the Cornucopia baskets with scripture from the Book of Psalm’s, Chapter 107: verse 01, Give thanks to the lord, for he is good! His faithful love endures forever!, another fine keepsake memento from the day. The last item to be crafted was a Turkey in a cup with candy to be donated to the residents of Pine Haven and Heritage Healthcare Centers. Made out of assorted colors of construction paper, the Turkey’s were glued inside of the top rim on the cup, allowed to dry, and then candy was dropped in. By the time the entertaining craft making was completed, the Guild’s Women responsible for the meal who had been hard at work preparing the dishes in the kitchen, had the spaghetti supper ready to serve. The places were set, Rev. John Motz and a few of the men showed up just in time for supper, and there were about 24 in attendance sharing good times and good food. The Guild had prepared iced tea, lemonade, a salad, the main course of spaghetti, many kinds of desserts, and Don Johann baked his special bread. There was enough for second helpings and more, in which the Women’s Guild sent the more home with the Jacob’s Village bunch. But that was not all of their Thanksgiving Day; the Women’s Guild had a special gift wrapped for each Jacob’s Village resident to open when they returned home. To the delight and surprise of the residents, in assorted colors of large and maybe fleece lined, blankets were awaiting to be unwrapped and laid across a bed. Zoar’s U.C.C. has reached out and blessed Jacob’s Village many ways and on this Sunday afternoon, provided an enjoyable time of fellowship, fun, and a creative sense of doing for others. The congregation of Zoar’s U.C.C. has become a true friend of Jacob’s Village with their big hearts of love, peace, and joy. The residents of Jacob’s Village really appreciate the camaraderie of friends and send a Big Heart Thank You to Zoar’s U.C.C.