Thursday, April 06, 2006

EACC Spring Fair

11:00am Saturday, April 1, 2006, Debbie, Donna Kay, Wanda, Michael, Scott, and home-coordinators Carol and Barry went to the National Guard Armory. This is where the Evansville Area Community of Churches (EACC) were holding their 'Spring Fair, to benefit the Weekday Christian Education Program. This year, their 32nd annual 'Spring Fair' included a flea-market of arts, crafts, books, homemade baked goods, jams, and a fried chicken dinner with all the fixings plus desert. A loaf of freshly baked bread was purchased and it was good-n-tasty. We saw a few familiar faces from St. Paul’s UCC of German Township. Generously, Pastor Dan Sather had a young man named Conner assist Scott with his plate through the food line.

The EACC has been crossing denominational lines and touching lives in order to better serve the needs of the Evansville community since 1938. The EACC helped give birth to Evansville’s own Habitat for Humanity, Big Brothers/Big Sisters, Jail Task Force Ministry, The Tri-State Food Bank, and numerous other local agencies and ministries. There are seven food pantries in Evansville that were established in 1969. Since 1942, more than 1,000 third and fourth graders from twenty elementary Evansville-Vanderburgh public schools have been learning religious teachings through the free non-denominational Weekday Christian Education Program. This program of teaching begins in October and runs through May. Seventy-five percent of the children in the program do not attend a church; therefore, these classes are taught by experienced teachers that meet the children during the school day on release-time in mobile classrooms.


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