Ann Coy's Activity Time
Not long after Jacob’s Village first opened up, Ann Coy began volunteering and sharing her time with the residents providing a spiritual visit. Usually, she visits on the last Tuesday of each month depending on the nearest holiday. Musicians and snacks always accompany her and the theme takes on the flavor and time of the season. She put on a Halloween party with crafts and snacks, hosted a Christmas party with Santa Claus, an Easter party with Easter story cookies, and also earlier in the year, Ann arranged for all to see a High School musical production. We all enjoy when Ann comes to Jacob’s Village with her entourage of friends. This past monthly visit in August was held at 6:00pm, Tuesday evening, August 29, 2006, under the Carport for a ‘Variety Show’. It was a very nice and comfortable evening to be outside. The carport was cleared out and chairs were put in their place for the audience of Wanda, Donna Kay, Debbie, Mike, Michael, Scott and home coordinators Gloria and Joe. Along with Ann on this night were two of her granddaughters Amy, Lindsey, and one of her grandson’s, Chase, Ann’s friend Diane Anderson, her son Pete, and his friend Shawna, both U of E students. A portable cassette player was wired up and Amy started the show off with a solo Jazz, tumbling dance act. Lindsey followed her sister with another solo dance act with a Salsa beat. Chase showed his talents off with his ‘Devil Sticks’, which are similar to drum sticks. He had one in each hand while balancing, flipping, spinning and twirling a third longer stick, all the time never allowing that third stick to touch the ground. Pete was the musician with a guitar and saxophone strumming some Beatles’ pieces, and playing some Yakity Sax music. Ann was hoping another friend would show up for a trio singing group with Diane, but she had to settle for a duo that sang ‘Just a closer walk with thee’ and ‘This land is your land’, they blended well together. After the performances, we watched a beautiful sunset to the West, were treated to Marble Cake, 7-Up, & GD Ritzy’s Ice Cream, and for the first time this year, watched a V-shaped flock of Geese fly South for the Winter. Ann always ends her visits with a prayer circle blessing the time and the ones in current need. This time, Ann left us many Dog Awareness Activity Books, ‘Fido! Friend or Foe? Compliments of C. Larry Rhodes, State Farm Insurance Agent. Again, a good time was had by all, and we were sad to see the evening come to an end, but we bade farewell and will look forward to Ann’s next activity time.
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