Friday, February 02, 2007

U.S. Flag Presentation

Saturday morning 9:00am, January 27, 2007, Indiana State Senator Bob Deig, and Indiana State Representative Trent VanHaften held a public forum at New Harmony, IN, in the Historic Opera House. There were 25 residents, including former State Senator Larry Lutz, in attendance for this first of three Legislative Forums sponsored by the Southwestern Indiana Chamber of Commerce. Jack Higgins, former Mayor of Mt. Vernon, was the rally’s moderator. The remaining two events are scheduled in Posey County at later dates in Poseyville and in Mt. Vernon. The forum had the two public servants, Sen. Deig and Rep. VanHaften discussing issues that are on the floor in their respected houses. After a brief description of the State’s current order of business, they answered questions concerning and directly pertaining to issues that affect Posey County residents. This Saturday morning function in New Harmony lasted one and a half hours. Following the program, greetings and acknowledgements were expressed with many handshakes. Sen. Deig presented Scott Huck, resident of and representing Jacob’s Village, an American Flag and an Indiana State Flag. Arrangements for the two flags were made prior to this event because after a year and a half of weathering the elements, the Jacob’s Village flags on their flagpole were beginning to tatter and fray. Along with Scott on this morning were his parents Charles and Sally Huck, and Vickie Harris who were capturing photos of the flag presentation. Jacob’s Village sends a big heart thank you to Sen. Deig for his patriotic donation. The American Flag which is authenticated and marked had been flying on top of the Indiana State Capitol in Indianapolis recently. These two flags plus a Jacob’s Village flag will be raised and flown on the flagpole proudly at 7400 Vienna Road over the landscaped entrance into Jacob’s Village.


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