Thursday, February 08, 2007

St. Stephen's Episcopal Church

On a cold Monday afternoon at Jacob’s Village, Wanda prepared a special Chili to warm the residents Debbie, Mike, Michael, and Scott, home coordinators Carol, Halleck, and Barry in the Women’s home. Wanda’s special recipe, her Mother’s, consisted of Chili beans, ground beef, and alphabet pasta, side dishes of shredded cheese, diced onions and crackers. The special blended Chili hit the spot and was a perfect meal. After the clean-up on this Monday evening at 6:30, February 05, 2007, Rev. Martha Honaker, Rector of St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church in New Harmony, visited Jacob’s Village for an Evening Prayer Service and scripture reading. Introductions were made; a prayer followed, and Rev. Martha put a cassette in her player to play some music. Although this was Rev. Martha’s second visit to Jacob’s Village, her first, was in the men’s home accompanied with a guitarist to strum a few chords. She was by herself on this visit, due to prior commitments, so she brought her own cassette player for this Evening Prayer service to provide a little music. Rev. Martha began sharing a lullaby with the residents to gear down, calm down and relax while giving everyone a couple of handouts for the evening. Psalm 134 was read followed by a reading from the Book of Jeremiah, Chapter 14: verses 9 and 22 stating: Lord, you are in the midst of us and we are called by your Name: Do not forsake us O Lord, our Savior. Prayers of thanksgiving for the blessings of ourselves; others and the day were made. One of the handouts was a picture of two hands molding a piece of clay. She related scripture from the Book of Isaiah, Chapter 45: and verse 9-12 and finished with Chapter 64: verse 9 that states ‘We are the clay, and you are our potter, we are all the work of your hand O Lord’. Rev. Martha and the residents ended with reciting ‘The Lord’s Prayer’, and listening to and singing along with a few favorite songs she had on tape. Jacob’s Village sends a Big Heart Thank You out to Rev. Martha Honaker for coming out on a very cold night for a blessing. All of the residents enjoyed Rev. Martha’s Evening Prayer Service and look forward to a return visit sometime towards the end of Summer 2007. Depending on the weather, maybe a picnic to dedicate the opening of the Jacob’s Village Nature Trail Walk .


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