Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Poseyville Autumn-Fest Parade

The theme for the 2006 Poseyville annual Autumn-Fest celebration this past weekend of Sept. 23, 24 was ‘Teach Your Children’. There were many events scheduled for Saturday and Sunday, but the heavy rains on Saturday sort of hampered the festivities. An event such as this cannot be cancelled because of all the preparation leading up to it from the past year. One always hopes for the best in weather, although it’s out of everyone’s control and for the most part, the activities go on rain or shine. The down pours of rain on Saturday were less than accommodating which caused a low turnout of the masses, but a good time was had by the faithful. Sunday afternoon was a much better day for the scheduled 3:00pm parade down the Main Street of Poseyville. After the Jacob’s Village bunch of Wanda, Donna Kay, Debbie, Mike, Michael, Scott, and home coordinators Janice and Joe grabbed a sandwich upon returning home from Church, it was time to load back up and travel to Poseyville. The lawn chairs were gathered up placed in the vehicles and everyone found a place to ride. We arrived about 45 minutes early and the sidewalks were already filling up with rows of chairs for spectators wanting good seats to watch the parade. We found a place to park within 20 yards of the preferred side walk space. We were a block from the announcing and judging grandstand where assorted entries of bands, dance groups, and other entertainers would stop and perform in front of the judges. The parade began with a color guard, some veteran groups and Charles Huck too, a Jacob’s Village Board Member and Wadesville VFW Post 6576 Commander, who he was representing. The standard showing of local Police, Fire, and Emergency Rescue Departments had their units all shined up with bells and whistles and sirens a wailing. Some personnel were on foot alongside a few Politicians’ who were out in force campaigning for the upcoming election. North Posey Metropolitan School District’s athletic teams and teachers, the teachers being The Grand Marshal of the ‘Teach Your Children’ parade, were there that had some walking and some riding in trucks and wagons. The Autumn-Fest Queen, Little Mister-n-Misses, Dukes-n-Duchesses, and other dignitaries were in convertibles scattered throughout the other entries of floats from Church’s, businesses, and individuals. Everyone was delighted to share and spread the candy around that was being tossed out onto the sidewalks. A first to our recollection, pop-sickles and icy pops were being passed out, and they were very tasty. Tractors, farm implements, ATV’s, and horses brought up the rear of the 100-plus entry 2006 Autumn-Fest, ‘Teach Your Children’ parade. A good time of enjoyment was had by all, while on the sidewalks of Poseyville, in the comfortable, atmospheric, outdoor, afternoon conditions.


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