All of the residents of Jacob’s Village express so much gratitude for volunteers that assist in providing life in their home. Without you, volunteers, there would be no transport to the pleasant side of life in the greater Evansville area such as: for Ann, providing once a month spiritual activities for the residents with musicians, Atlas, for providing a fitness program once a week, for Ron who is teaching Tai Chi to us when possible, Jim & Barbara for providing Mike and Wanda trips to and from Church, Sandy for preparing a Spaghetti Squash meal for the residents, for Sherry who spent her time with us once a week, USI students for including the residents in their ‘Best Buddy’ program, a few Mater Dei High School students for providing a pen-pal type of relationship with the residents and on occasion different types of music in the homes, two Reitz High School students for planning and organizing the Jacob’s Village Christmas party, Pastoral visits, once a month from the courtesy of local Church members and leaders, and the WestWood General Baptist Church’s Youth Ministry for cleaning the windows in all the homes. There are many kind deeds blessing Jacob’s Village. Apologies are necessary for any and all that are overlooked at this time. This is only a short list of the many examples of what volunteers do. Jacob’s Village has offerings as well, and the residents always look forward to having volunteers start at their home base, inside or out. We welcome everyone to visit Jacob’s Village, see what has taken place; see what will take place and witness the transformation of a dream of possibilities to a reality of opportunities.
2006 JV Christmas Party
For a school project, two Reitz High School students, Tricia Filingim and Leslee Hahn arranged and organized the 2006 Jacob’s Village Christmas Party. The party site for the second year in row was Seton Hall, a reception room at The Daughter’s of Charity home, on New Harmony Rd. Scheduled for 3:00pm Saturday afternoon, December 09; guests began arriving an hour early for joy and fellowship. All the Jacob’s Village residents: Wanda, Donna Kay, Debbie, Mike, Michael, and Scott, some residents’ family and or guardians, employees, home coordinators, board members and special guests made up the mix of about 40 in attendance. Everyone was in a pre-holiday jolly spirit enjoying one another’s company. The afore-mentioned two students from Reitz High School, Tricia and Leslee, had Fazoli’s Restaurant cater the meal’s main course of Spaghetti, Lasagna, and Ravioli. The Pasta Entrée’s were complimented with Breadsticks and a Salad. GD Ritzy’s furnished an assortment of Ice Cream treats for dessert, one being of an Egg-Nog variety; although all Ice Cream flavors from GD Ritzy’s are a tasty treat. Jacob’s Village always enjoys and looks forward to Ice Cream treats courtesy of GD Ritzy’s. Additionally for dessert, the mothers’ of the two students had prepared homemade cookies and a tasty holiday punch. Angela Goedde, Activities Director at Woodbridge Health Care Center and a Karoke Master, was the entertainment for the party with her singing. Angela’s renditions of traditional Christmas songs and other favorites were good to usher in the Season. While everyone was enjoying the treats, mixing it up and feeling good, Santa Claus popped in with a few Ho-Ho-Ho’s and Merry Christmas’s bearing gifts and good tidings. Santa Claus, with his red bag over his shoulder, had gifts for each resident including a new blue shirt with the Jacob’s Village logo on it. The employees and home coordinators also received a new shirt as well. Not yet finished with their giving, Tricia and Leslee gave even more. They gave each resident a small red bag of an assortment of holiday knick-knack goodies. All residents of Jacob’s Village wish to send a big heart thank you out to Tricia and Leslee for organizing a memory making party. Group photos were taken, some with Santa Claus, others of friends and families. A joyful and festive good time was had by all at the 2006 Jacob’s Village Christmas Party at the Daughter’s of Charity’s Seton Hall.
Accessibility Improvements
The Posey County Community Foundation (PCCF), in existence since 1992, awarded Jacob’s Village one of their 16 non-profit organizational grants. The PCCF’s support was made possible this past year by having 58 endowment funds created by donors who serve a variety of worthwhile community needs. All of the grants address a variety of needs that usually stay in Posey County, although, when there is a direct link to the PCCF, they do accommodate. Such was the case with Jacob’s Village and The Evansville Philharmonic Orchestra who also received an award outside of Posey County. They have given the responsibility of determining who receives these grants to the PCCF’s Grants and Distribution Committee. Wednesday, June 07, 2006, at the Red Geranium’s Bayou Conference Center in New Harmony, IN, Karen Walker, President of the PCCF, and Don Williams, Chairman of the Grants and Distribution Committee presented Cheryl Kuchna, Executive Director, and A. Scott Huck, resident of Jacob’s Village, the award to adapt their recreational courtyard with accessibility improvements. This grant was for the purchase and installation of handrails and metal ramp plates. The handrails are for the sloped areas and steps along the sidewalk and the metal ramp plates are for a transitional handicap accessible entrance into their Recreational Courtyard Gazebo. Bids were sent out and week before Christmas, Kerry Fetcher and Earl Thornton, representing the Popham Company Inc. brought the material out and started work hoping to finish within a few days. Progress was being made, railings were set and looking good; then the rains set in and the ramps had to wait. They did return between Christmas and New Years’ to finish the job and a fine job they did. Jacob’s Village sends a big heart thank you out to the Posey County Community Foundation and the Popham Company Inc. for making well needed adaptations and improvements to better serve everyone here at Jacob’s Village.
St. Wendel Children's Choir
Jacob’s Village was treated to a special rehearsal concert in the Men’s home 3:00pm, Sunday afternoon, December 17, 2006. The St. Wendel Catholic Church’s Children’s Choir was warming up for their Christmas Eve Service. There were 14 teenaged students in the choir, five of which played appropriate musical instruments for certain selections, being directed by Julie Stephens and accompanied on guitar by Chris Thorsen. Add in to the count a couple more adults, two or three younger children, there was a full house at 7347 Benjamin Trail. A suitable place for the choir was found in the living room in front of the Christmas tree and double window while the Jacob’s Village bunch of Wanda, Debbie, Mike, Michael, Scott, Home Coordinators Gloria and Joe took a seat or stood to take in the performance. Still missing Donna Kay; she is continuing to recover from her leg injury. The St. Wendel Choir blessed Jacob’s Village with 10 or 12 musical selections. Most of the pieces were popular standards with a few special arrangements customized specifically for their upcoming Midnight Contata. From an ‘Angel’s Medley’, ‘O’Holy Night’ and ‘Silent Night selections to a ‘Child’s Compilation’, the choices put one in the Christmas Spirit. Maybe all but one had a variety of accompanying instruments mixed in with the singing that consisted of a Guitar, Violin, Trumpet, French horn, and or a Saxophone. They ended their presentation with a lively encore of an interactive, choir member participating ‘Children Go Where I Send Thee’. The St. Wendel Catholic Church’s Children’s Christmas Choir was very enjoyable and pleasant to listen to. This is the second year they have delighted the residents with their performance and this time, they brought cookies to share, what a bonus treat. Jacob’s Village sends a Big Heart Thank You to the St. Wendel Children’s Choir for their blessing and presence.
Ann's Treat # 2
Tuesday evening, December 12, Ann Coy, volunteer extraordinaire, provided a Christmas party with the residents in the office house. No sooner than the evening meal was finished in the women’s home, special guests for the party started arriving. The Jacob’s Village residents had invited their USI-Best Buddies to the party and wanted them to be a part of their Christmas 2006. The Jacob’s Village bunch of Wanda, Debbie, Mike, Michael, Scott, Home Coordinators Janice and Barry, minus Donna Kay who was still recovering from an injured leg, left the women’s home with a couple of ‘Buddies’, who arrived early, following them. An introduction of all in attendance was made to become more acquainted and put everyone in the Christmas Spirit. Like a roll-call, Ann had each individual state their name, which ‘Best Buddy’ was whose and their favorite part of the Christmas Season. Of course, the reason for the season was high-lighted. A few songs were sung, remembrances of Christmas past were told and Ann read a story that provided everyone an ornament to place on the tree. A good time in the moment was being had by all…when all of a sudden…a commotion of jingles and jangles were heard outside and everybody rushed to the window, threw open the sash…and door, to see what the noise was. A big surprise to everyone, but what should appear before their wondering eyes, a jolly ol’ guy dressed in red carrying a bag over his shoulder. It was Santa Claus and he stepped right in through the doorway Ho, Ho, Ho-ing and wishing everyone a Merry Christmas. Santa Claus sat down, had a cookie or two, talked about his Reindeer, and pulled a gift out of his bag for everyone. Some group photos were taken with him in front of the Christmas tree, although, Santa couldn’t stay long. He had his work cut out for him in the up-comig days but he was heard exclaiming as he got back on his sleigh, On Dasher, On Dancer, On Prancer and Vixen, On Comet, On Cupid, On Donder and Blitzen, Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night’. It sure was nice of ol’ Santa Claus to stop by Jacob’s Village during their party bearing gifts and tidings of joy. The girls received a decorative home-made cloth angel and the guys all received a pocket utility knife, little scissors, tweezers, and a bottle opener included, with the Beacon Group engraved on the side. Ann had treats, punch, and bingo prizes to share with all while playing the popular Christmas Bingo. What made this Christmas party so good was having the USI Best Buddies be a part. The Best Buddies have been good for several meetings and the residents really enjoy spending time with them. Hopefully in this 2007 New Year, the connection will continue. The 2006 Christmas party was the best one yet, courtesy of Santa Claus and Ann.
2006 Christmas with Ann
Ann Coy’s monthly activity for the residents of Jacob’s Village turned out to be a two for one treat for the month of December. The past couple of years, around the holidays, Jacob’s Village have been fortunate enough to attend one of the local elementary school’s children’s Christmas program, and this year was no different. Two of Ann’s granddaughter’s Lindsey in the 3rd grade and Amy in the 5th grade attend the St. Joseph Catholic Elementary School. Previously, Ann had made arrangements with the Jacob’s Village bunch of Wanda, Debbie, Mike, Michael, Scott, Home Coordinators Gloria and Joe to meet her at the St. Joseph School Tuesday, December 05, 2006, at 6:00pm. The St. Joseph’s kindergarten through fourth grade was presenting the Christmas musical ‘The Perfect Gift’. The program was to be held in the activity/library room beginning at 6:30pm which is located on the back side of the school. The Jacob’s Village bunch arrived to meet Ann and was told the musical had been moved into the Church on the front side of the school. It’s like an obstacle and maze course on the grounds at St. Wendel following the pavement around in between buildings to get where you’re going. Although a run around, this was not unlike another time Jacob’s Village was at St. Joseph School. Doug Regin, opting to take up a position in San Diego, CA, with Head Start and no longer around, and Scott, who was giving a disability awareness talk to the St. Joe middle schoolers, were told to enter the School on the front side. Upon their arrival, they were told to follow the pavement around to the back of the School to set up in the Activity/Library room…so it goes…an adventure with each outing. On this cold, dark and rainy December night, the Jacob’s Village bunch finally found their way to the back side entrance of the Church. It was a good thing they were a little early because the large Church was empty but just beginning to fill up. Long narrow aisles didn’t allow two way traffic and seats were found asap in the middle of the chapel. Everyone slid in one row of the pews to sit and soon, the place filled up. By the time Ann showed up, it was a full house and she had to sit on the opposite side of the room near the center aisle. The show began; each class was decked out in themed-coordinated costumes playing their part in the story. The acting and the dialogue of the script were well rehearsed and the Christmas Spirit was well received by everyone in attendance. One class played a little recorder type of piece, other classes sang, some solo such as Lindsey, and with their amusing and entertaining little tale, it was ‘The Perfect Gift’ for Christmas. A good time was had by all.